Cykelsemester - cykelpaket Gyllene Turer copy


We are the ones working at  
Gyllene Turer. 

Jesper Rothstein     /     Brittmarie Rothstein

Jesper is the owner of Gyllene Turer since 2018. The company was founded 2012 by Brittmarie who is still engaged in the company.

Jesper is the engineer that likes to cycle, hike and workout and is passionate about  active holidays.

Brittmarie earlier worked within the tourist sector in Halland for many years, closely with the local tourist businesses and learned to know most of them and got a pretty good idea of what Halland has to offer.

Local company

We live and work in Halland and have chosen to cooperate with the local businesses that we believe will give you the best treatment and best value for your money. 

Gyllene Turer AB

Phone: +46 (0)73 267 07 26 /Jesper
+46 (0)70 240 74 20, 9 am - 5 pm /Brittmarie




Örnäsvägen 2

SE-302 91 Halmstad


Company registration number:
Possess corporate tax card